We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose Cloud PHP SDK as per Aspose Cloud With this new release, the create, read, manipulate and export features are greatly improved, and many new resources have been implemented.
New Methods to Aspose.Words Cloud
In this version of Aspose Cloud PHP SDK you can split Microsoft Word documents to DOC, DOCX, DOCM, DOT, DOTX, DOTM, PDF, XPS,TIFF, EPUB and several other formats, get document statistics, accept or reject all tracking changes, update fields and add or delete watermarks in a Word document.
New Methods to Aspose.Cells Cloud
Using Aspose.Cells you can convert Microsoft Excel workbooks to other formats with additional settings, copy, rename and update Excel worksheets, set or delete background or watermark of a worksheet, freeze or unfreeze panes of a worksheet, hide, unhide, group, ungroup, auto-fit or copy rows in a worksheet. You can further add, update or delete hyperlinks in Excel worksheets, merge or unmerge cells, set value of cells or range, delete value of cells or range, set style of cells or range and delete formatting of cells or range in a worksheet and get cell properties including the first cell, last cell, minimum row, minimum data row, minimum column, minimum data column, maximum row, maximum data row, maximum column and maximum data column.
New Methods to Aspose.Slides Cloud
You can create Microsoft PowerPoint presentations from scratch, merge presentations, split presentations, export all or specific slides to HTML, set export options, add new slides, copy existing slides, change position of slides and work with different sections of your slides including comments, font settings, background, height, width and aspect ratio.