Aspose.Cells for Java is a flexible API that makes working with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets quick and easy. Create, edit and convert spreadsheets in Java applications with this robust and professional API.
Product News
All Aspose Cloud Products Now in our Python SDK
Aspose maintains a number of SDKs for Aspose Cloud. Most recently, we’ve added Aspose.Tasks to the Aspose Cloud Python SDK to ensure that Python developers have access to all Aspose Cloud APIs when developing applications. Find out more. Find out more.
Turn Bitmap Images into Visio Shapes with Aspose.Diagram for .NET
The latest version of Aspose.Diagram for .NET allows developers to import a bitmap image and turn it into a native Microsoft Visio shape. It also has other improvements that make gluing shapes and adding masters to diagrams easier than ever before. Find out more.
From The Library
Case study: Using Aspose.Words for .NET for Document Conversion
ModuleAcht is a German software company that needed a reliable way to convert Microsoft DOCX documents, created from templates, to Adobe Acrobat PDF format. They found that Aspose.Words for .NET met all their needs: ‘Testing any other component means to waste time!‘ Read the case study.
Working with Font Substitution in Aspose.Cells
Not all platforms use the same fonts so developers need to understand how font substitution works and when it happens. Aspose.Cells can generate warnings when font substitution occur during file conversion. Find out how to on .NET, Java and Android.
Replace Text in OneNote Documents with Aspose.Note for .NET
Aspose.Note for .NET lets developers manipulate Microsoft OneNote documents in their applications. A common editing task is finding and replacing text, for example when a product or company changes names. We have a tutorial video that shows how to replace text in OneNote documents. Watch the video.
Out And About
Supporting User Groups and Conferences
In September we sponsor a number of user groups, including: