Aspose.Imaging Cloud
Aspose.Imaging Cloud’s platform independent image manipulation API is a true REST API that can be used with any language .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Python, JQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud.
Aspose.Imaging Cloud is an image manipulation & conversion API to allow developers to manipulate & convert image in their applications. Learn More
New Imaging Features in the Aspose Cloud Ruby SDK
We have implemented the following features:
- Update TIFF Image Properties – This feature allows to update TIFF specific properties using Aspose.Imaging Cloud in your applications.
- Update TIFF Image Properties Without Storage – This feature allows to update TIFF specific properties without requiring the image to be present on the Cloud Storage.
- Merge Tiff Images – This feature allows you to merge TIFF files using Aspose.Imaging Cloud API in your applications.
- Get TIFF Frame Properties – This feature allows to retrieve properties of a specific Tiff Frame using Aspose.Imaging Cloud API in your applications.
- Extract Frame from a Multi-Frame TIFF Image – This feature allows to extract only one frame from a Tiff image having several frames, and save the extracted frame separately on the storage.
- Resize a TIFF Frame – This feature allows to extract a frame from a Tiff image, resize it and save separately on the storage.
- Crop a TIFF Frame – This feature allows to extract a frame from a Tiff image, crop it and save separately on the storage.
- RotateFlip a TIFF Frame – This feature allows to perform RotateFlip operation on a frame of Tiff image and save it separately on the storage.
- Manipulate a Frame and Save the Modified Frame Along with Unmodified Frames – This feature allows to perform several operations such as RotateFlip, Resize & Crop on a frame of Tiff image and save the updated multi-frame TIFF image on the storage.
You can download the latest version of the Ruby SDK from
Usage Example
Extract Frame from a Multi-Frame TIFF Image
# Require asposecloudsdk
require File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) + '/lib/asposecloud'
app_sid = 'XXXXXXXXXX'
app_key = 'XXXXXXXXXX'
Aspose::Cloud::Common::AsposeApp.app_key = app_key
Aspose::Cloud::Common::AsposeApp.app_sid = app_sid
Aspose::Cloud::Common::AsposeApp.output_location = 'path/to/output/location'
# Create object of extractor class
extractor ='Test.tiff')
result = extractor.extract_frame(frame_id=1)
puts result
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