Aspose Cloud
Aspose Cloud is a cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform for developers. Before Aspose Cloud, performing document processing and manipulation tasks in the cloud was not so easy. The Aspose Cloud APIs give developers full control over documents and file formats. Each API has been developed to offer you a wide range of features for file processing in the cloud. Aspose Cloud’s REST APIs are platform independent and can be used across any platform such as Node.js, Amazon, Salesforce etc. without any installation. Being language independent makes it a suitable choice for developers with expertise in any programming language. We also provide SDKs for various programming languages such as .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Node.js, ZF 2.0, Symfony2 and Laravel.
New features in the Aspose Cloud PHP SDK
We have implemented the following features:
- Convert web pages to Word Documents – This feature allows you to convert a live web page to Word or any supported format.
- Get the Current Protection of the Word – This feature allows you to get the current protection of the Word document on the Aspose Cloud Storage.
- Convert PowerPoint Documents to other File Formats with Additional Settings – This feature allows you to save a presentation to different other formats with additional settings.
- Get Aspect Ratio of a PowerPoint Slide – This feature allows you to get height, width and aspect ratio of a particular slide.
- Replace Multiple Texts in a PDF Page – This feature allows you to replace multiple texts in a single API call in a PDF page
- Update TIFF Image Properties Without Storage – This feature allows you to update TIFF specific properties without requiring the image to be present on the Cloud Storage.
- Perform Several Operations on Image – This feature allows you to perform crop, resize, rotation & export operations on an image in a single calls.
- Add email attachment – This feature allows you to add attachment to a message by attachment name.
- Read Barcodes by Applying Image Processing Algorithm – This feature allows users to apply various available image processing Algorithms using the Aspose Cloud Service.
- Add a Task Link to Project – This feature allows you to add a task link to a Project.
- Add Calendar to Project – This feature allows you to add a calendar to a Project.
Aspose Cloud SDK for PHP Installation
Aspose Cloud SDK for PHP can be downloaded using “Composer” from any of the following places:
Start a Free Trial Today
Start a free trial today – all you need is to sign up with the Aspose Cloud service. Once you have signed up, you are ready to try the powerful file processing features offered by Aspose Cloud.