Create, Manipulate and Convert Word Documents in web apps using Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for Ruby

Aspose.Words Cloud

Aspose.Words Cloud, a cloud-based document creation, manipulation and conversion API, helps you process documents with its many flexible features. You can perform a wide variety of document operations with Aspose.Words Cloud’s REST API. Create a new document from scratch, modify an existing document, convert documents to different formats, and render the document to images. Aspose.Words Cloud allows you to convert documents to DOC, DOCX, XPS, TIFF, PDF, HTML, SWF, and many other formats. It lets you render a complete document or a single page to different image formats (JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, and so on). Taking a step further, it lets you render drawing shapes in documents to images. Read More


You can install AsposeWordsCloud with RubyGem:
gem install aspose_words_cloud

Source files

This SDK is open source and available on GitHub and CodePlex.


APIs of this SDK can be called as follows:
require 'aspose_words_cloud'

class WordsUsage

  include AsposeWordsCloud
  include AsposeStorageCloud

  def initialize
    #Get App key and App SID from
    AsposeApp.app_key_and_sid("APP_KEY", "APP_SID")
    @words_api =  

  def load_web_document_into_the_file
    #Load new document from web into the file with any supported format of data.
    load_web_document_data =
    load_web_document_data.loading_document_url = ""

    save_options =
    save_options.save_format = "doc"
    save_options.file_name = "google.doc"

    load_web_document_data.save_options = save_options
    response = @words_api.post_load_web_document(load_web_document_data)


Aspose.Words Cloud SDK Examples

Programmer’s Guide, a complete manual on programming with Aspose.Words Cloud APIs. It holds the wealth of features with sample codes and capabilities.

Unit Tests

To help you get started we also provided unit test coverage to Aspose.Words APIs.

Start a Free Trial Today

Start a free trial today – all you need is to sign up with Aspose Cloud service. Once you have signed up, you are ready to try powerful file processing features offered by Aspose Cloud.