Manipulate Microsoft and OpenOffice Presentation Documents Using Aspose.Slides Cloud API SDK for Android

Aspose.Slides Cloud

Aspose.Slides CloudAspose.Slides Cloud’s platform independent document manipulation API is a true REST API that can be used with any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. You can use it with any platform — web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. Aspose.Slides Cloud is a unique PowerPoint® management API that enables you to read, write, convert and manipulate PowerPoint documents on the cloud. Aspose.Slides Cloud is a complete solution for performing any manipulation you can wish to perform on PowerPoint documents in the cloud. Learn More

What’s new in the latest release

This is a major revamp release for Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Android. It covers all the Aspose.Slides Cloud APIs. This SDK provides a complete solution to manipulate Powerpoint and OpenOffice presentation documents in Android using powerful Aspose.Slides Cloud APIs, so you can perform any operation on presentation files in the cloud seamlessly. Source Code Repository Complete source code of this release of Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Android is freely available on your favorite GitHub repository.
  • Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Android – v1.0.0
Setup Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Android is also available as released artifacts in the Bintray Maven Repository. You can bypass GitHub source code repository and depend directly on the released artifacts from Bintray Maven Repository. Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Android is also available on JCenter which is default for Android Studio. For Setup details please check the documentation. Gradle Dependency – Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Android
compile 'com.aspose:aspose-cloud-slides-android:1.0.0'
Data In order to manipulate any files, you first need to upload them to the Aspose cloud storage or 3rd party cloud storage using Aspose.Storage Cloud SDK for Android. Gradle Dependency – Aspose Cloud Storage SDK for Android
compile 'com.aspose:aspose-cloud-storage-android:1.0.0'
Quick SDK Tutorial
// Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
StorageApi storageApi = new StorageApi(apiKey, appSID);

//Instantiate Aspose Slides Cloud API SDK
SlidesApi slidesApi = new SlidesApi(apiKey, appSID,true);

//set input file name
String name = "sample";
String fileName = name  + ".pptx" ;

//set cloud storage info
String storage = null; // default: aspose cloud storage
String folder = null; //no nested folder in cloud storage

//upload input file to aspose cloud storage
storageApi.PutCreate(fileName, "", storage, new File(getClass().getResource("/" + fileName).toURI()));

//Now invoke Aspose.Slides Cloud APIs : e.g save a presentation to other formats 
String format = "pdf";
Integer jpegQuality = 50;
String password = "";
String outPath = "";

//invoke Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK API to save a presentation to other formats with additional settings
ResponseMessage apiResponse = slidesApi.GetSlidesDocumentWithFormat(fileName, format, jpegQuality, password, storage, folder, outPath);
Aspose.Slides Cloud API Documentation Aspose.Slides Cloud Documentation is available to guide developers to get familiar with the specific resources and operations within the Aspose.Slides Cloud REST API. Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Android Examples Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Android Examples are also available to guide developers to get familiar with SDK and its usage to invoke resources and operations using the Aspose.Slides Cloud REST API. Please see the SDK examples of following categories. Start a Free Trial Today Start a free trial today – all you need is to sign up with the Aspose Cloud service. Once you have signed up, you are ready to try the powerful file processing features offered by Aspose Cloud.