How to Programmatically Manipulating Notes in PowerPoint Slides

Preview of Notes in Slides

Notes are one of the integral components while you are creating a presentation. You add the speaker notes to refer to later while delivering the slide show in front of an audience. During the presentation, the speaker notes are visible on your monitor but aren’t visible to the audience. So the Notes pane is the place to store talking points that you want to mention when you give your presentation.

Aspose.Slides Cloud offers the capabilities to add, update, or remove notes from PowerPoint slides. You can perform the operation on PowerPoint slides available on the local system drive or stored in Cloud storage.

Add Notes to Slides

In order to add notes, you need to try using NotesSlide/PostAddNotesSlide. The following cURL command enables you to add Notes to PowerPoint slides.

curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "authorization: Bearer <jwt token>" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{  \"Text\": \"These are sample presenter notes added using Aspose.Slides Cloud\",}"

Request URL

Response Body

  </strong>"text":<strong> </strong>"These are sample presenter notes added using Aspose.Slides Cloud",<strong>
  </strong>"shapes":<strong> </strong>{<strong>
    </strong>"uri":<strong> </strong>{<strong>
      </strong>"href":<strong> </strong>"",<strong>
      </strong>"relation":<strong> </strong>"self"<strong>
  </strong>"selfUri":<strong> </strong>{<strong>
    </strong>"href":<strong> </strong>"",<strong>
    </strong>"relation":<strong> </strong>"self"<strong>

C#.NET code snippet

Sample Slides without notes
Image 1:- PowerPoint slide without notes
PowerPoint Slide with Notes
Image 2:- PowerPoint slide with added notes

Update Slide Notes

You may also use the API to update notes inside the PowerPoint presentation. In order to fulfill this requirement, the NotesSlide/PutUpdateNotesSlide is used.

cURL command

curl -X PUT "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "authorization: Bearer <jwt token>" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{  \"Text\": \"Notes updated using Aspose.Slides Cloud API\",  \"Shapes\": {    \"Uri\": {      \"Href\": \"\",       \"Title\": \"Aspose.Slides Cloud for cURL\"    }  }}"

Request URL

Response Body

  </strong>"text":<strong> </strong>"Notes updated using Aspose.Slides Cloud API",<strong>
  </strong>"shapes":<strong> </strong>{<strong>
    </strong>"uri":<strong> </strong>{<strong>
      </strong>"href":<strong> </strong>"",<strong>
      </strong>"relation":<strong> </strong>"self"<strong>
  </strong>"selfUri":<strong> </strong>{<strong>
    </strong>"href":<strong> </strong>"",<strong>
    </strong>"relation":<strong> </strong>"self"<strong>

C#.NET Code snippet

PowerPoint Slide notes updated
Image 3:- Slide with updated Notes

Read Slide Notes

The PowerPoint processing Cloud API also offers the capabilities to read the notes from the existing slide. You simply need to provide the PowerPoint file name and index of a slide for which you need to read the details of the notes. The GetNotesSlide enables you to accomplish this requirement.

cURL command

curl -X GET "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "authorization: Bearer <jwt token>"

Response body

The response body shows the slides note parsed from a specific slide of PowerPoint presentation.

  </strong>"text":<strong> </strong>"This is second slide of PowerPoint presentation",<strong>
  </strong>"shapes":<strong> </strong>{<strong>
    </strong>"uri":<strong> </strong>{<strong>
      </strong>"href":<strong> </strong>"",<strong>
      </strong>"relation":<strong> </strong>"self"<strong>
  </strong>"selfUri":<strong> </strong>{<strong>
    </strong>"href":<strong> </strong>"",<strong>
    </strong>"relation":<strong> </strong>"self"<strong>

In case you need to read notes slide information for a document provided in the request body, please try using PostGetNotesSlide.

Delete Slide Notes

The API offers DeleteNotesSlide method to remove/delete the notes from the PowerPoint slide.

cURL command

curl -X DELETE "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "authorization: Bearer <jwt token>"
Notes deleted from Slide
Image 4:- PowerPoint slide with deleted notes

Convert Notes Slide to specific Image Format

You may stumble upon a requirement to render PowerPoint slides containing notes to specific image formats. In order to fulfill this requirement, you need to use GetNotesSlideWithFormat method of API.

cURL command

curl -X GET "" -H  "accept: multipart/form-data" -H  "authorization: Bearer "

Request URL

As a result, the response body contains a converted image as shown below.

Second Slide with Notes
Image 5:- Preview of 2nd slide containing Notes
Notes Slide exported image
Image 6:- PowerPoint Note slide converted to JPEG image format