Set DefaultRegularFont during PPTX export to other formats

DefaultRegularFont image

Fonts are an essential element in making documents more presentable. With the help of fonts, the information is presented in a more readable and manageable format. The Aspose.Slides Cloud API supports the feature to specify custom fonts while creating or editing existing PowerPoint presentations. You can also set a font for OpenOffice documents. At the same time, you may specify DefaultRegularFont during PPTX export to other supported format.

So apart from using fonts during PowerPoint manipulation, the Cloud API now also supports the capabilities to specify default regular font. You can set font during PowerPoint export to other supported formats. The API currently supports the manipulation of PPTX, PPT, PPSX, PPTM, and other popular PowerPoint formats. You can save them to similar as well as other formats such as PDF, SVG, HTML, XPS, JPEG, PNG, TTF. Furthermore, in one of the recent releases, a new feature to specify the default regular font has been implemented. It allows you to specify the default font to substitute a custom font in case it is not available.

Before we proceed further, we recommend visiting the following link for information on How to Obtain JWT token using a Client ID and Client Secret key. Please note that a JWT token is required when trying to access REST API through a command prompt.

Furthermore, in order to use the Cloud API through a programming language, you need to try installing an SDK specifically created for certain programming languages. For more information, please visit How to install Aspose.Cloud SDKs.


curl -X POST "" \
-H  "accept: multipart/form-data" \
-H  "authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>" \
-H  "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{  \"DefaultRegularFont\": \"Calibri\",  \"Format\": \"ExportFormat.Pdf\"}"

Request URL


Custom Font during conversion

Apart from setting DefaultRegularFont during PPTX export, the cloud API also supports the feature to set custom font during PowerPoint export to other supported formats. The following code snippet shows how to set Calibri font during export to PDF format.