Aspose.Total for .NET brings together all Aspose’s .NET tools into one, flexible toolkit. Whatever you want to do – create files, move data from spreadsheets to presentations, add barcodes or create image-rich reports – Aspose.Total for .NET is there to help.
Coming Soon: Aspose.Email Cloud
Aspose.Email Cloud will help developers work with Microsoft Outlook emails in the cloud, accessing and converting emails between formats, and extracting attachments. Like all Aspose Cloud products, Aspose.Email Cloud will be easy to work with.
Coming soon: Aspose.Note for .NET
We are working on Aspose.Note for .NET, an API for programming with Microsoft OneNote files. The initial release will read and convert the OneNote format, making it possible for developers to open notes and share them across an organization as image files.
Product News
New: Aspose.Slides for Android
Aspose.Slides for Android brings the flexible, powerful features of Aspose.Slides for .NET and Java to the Android platform. Developers can work with Microsoft PowerPoint presentations on Android, creating and manipulating slides and presentations, including slide transitions, SmartArt shapes and ActiveX objects. Find out more.
From The Library
StratEx uses Aspose.Words for .NET to Generate Reports
StratEx developed a SaaS application and needed a tool that could produce high-quality reports in several formats from Microsoft Word templates. It needed to re-use the templates they already had and work with their existing framework. After some research, they decided to use Aspose.Word for .NET. It fulfilled all their requirements. Read more.
Whitepaper: the Pitfalls of Microsoft Automation
Many of our customers come to us after using Microsoft Office Automation. They often find that there are issues with running Office applications server-side. We’ve collected the main issues into a whitepaper and included figures on performance, to share our and our customers’ experience. Download the whitepaper.
Out And About
Supporting User Groups and Conferences
In February we will sponsor a number of user groups, including: