Support of Text Encoding for txt, Compare Two Documents, Added Comments Resource and Support of Adding Fields in Aspose.Words Cloud 1.20.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Words Cloud 1.20.0. This release contains over 39 useful new features, enhancements and bug fixes to Aspose.Words Cloud. Aspose.Words library has been updated to version 15.11.0. You can find the list of features and bug fixes from following link:

Aspose.Words Cloud 1.20.0

New Features

  • Added property “CssClassNamesPrefix” to HTMLFixedSaveOptions
  • Added property “ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages” to HTMLSaveOptions, EpubSaveOptions, MhtmlSaveOptions
  • Added feature to include or exclude specific areas of the document in statistic resource (includeTextInShapes, includeComments, includeFootnotes
  • Added support adding merge fields (and other fields) in the document
  • Added property “ColorMode” to SaveOptions
  • Added “Comments” resource
  • Added new save option “UpdateSdtContent”
  • Added support of inserting comment inside run
  • Added option “replaceResourcesHostTo” to convert resource
  • Added “Search” resource
  • Added “Encoding” save option to htmlfixed format
  • Added support HTML formatted text in JSON format
  • Added “loadEncoding” option while loading Txt file
  • Added feature to compare two documents

Aspose Cloud Resources

Following are the links to some useful resources you may need to accomplish your tasks.