Improved Swagger Notation, Rendering Complex Portions of a Document and Working with Section fields using Aspose.Words Cloud 17.5

We are pleased to announce the Release of Aspose.Words Cloud 17.5. Aspose.Words Cloud allows you to work with MS Word Documents using the language and platform of your choice and is suitable for both small business and enterprise needs. It comes with SDKs written in 9 different languages with complete running examples to get you started in no time.

The new release of Aspose.Words Cloud adds support for rendering portions of a word document, paragraph or section, to an image format of your choice. Swagger notations have been improved for various methods. We have improved support for handling fields in a word document. You can now read or delete a particular field from any Section or Paragraph in a Document. We have also added support for reading a Run from a particular Paragraph in a Word Document. Please check Aspose.Words Cloud 17.5 Release notes for summarized information about all changes in this release.

New Features and Enhancements

  1. Improvements to Swagger Notations
  2. Swagger notation was reworked to merge similar methods into one, making overall method list more concise. Specifically, the following variables are introduced into methods paths (note that they are optional in some methods):

    {nodePath} – specifies path to a node (section or paragraph). Sample syntaxes:
    sections/{sectionIndex} – references specific section
    paragraphs/{paragraphIndex} – references specific paragraph
    sections/{sectionIndex}/paragraphs/{paragraphIndex} – references specific paragraph within section.

    {paragraphPath} – specifies path to a paragraph. Sample syntaxes:
    paragraphs/{paragraphIndex} – references specific paragraph
    sections/{sectionIndex}/paragraphs/{paragraphIndex} – references specific paragraph within section

    {sectionPath} – specifies path to a section. Sample syntax:
    sections/{sectionIndex} – references specific section

    {tablePath} – specifies path to a table. Sample syntax:
    {nodePath}/tables/{tableIndex} – references specific table in paragraph or section
    Note that certain elements can be nested in cells or headersFooters, e.g. paragraph could be referenced by /sections/1/tables/1/rows/1/cells/1/paragraph/1.

  3. Render complex portions of a word document
    You can now render portions of a Word document to an image format of your choice.

  4. Element Manipulation Methods
    Aspose.Words Cloud 17.5 contains new methods for manipulating elements in a word document. The new methods allow you to read, delete fields from a section or paragraph or return all runs from a given section or paragraph. Please consult the following pages to learn more

    Get all fields from a section or paragraph in a Word Document
    Delete a specific field from a section or Paragraph in a Word Document
    Reading all Runs from a Paragraph in a Word Document

    Aspose.Words Cloud 17.5 also contains the following bug fixes

    WORDSCLOUD-173 | Proper error messages are returned when for 404 Exceptions
    WORDSCLOUD-178 | Bug Fixes for GetComment returned an error
    WORDSCLOUD-181 | Bug Fixes for error while trying to add text to the Header in a document

    Aspose Cloud Resources

    Following are the links to some useful resources you may need to accomplish your tasks.