Aspose.OMR Cloud is Coming Soon

Aspose.OMR Cloud We are pleased to announce that Aspose.OMR Cloud is about to launch. Aspose.OMR Cloud APIs will be available very soon to be consumed. It will be REST APIs with responses delivered in JSON format. The API will allow developers to add OMR functionality to their applications using a simple set of requests. It is coming with the capability to recognize data from photos.

What is Aspose.OMR Cloud

The main functionality of Aspose.OMR is to capture human-marked data from documents like surveys, questionnaires, multiple choice examination paper etc. With the use of Aspose.OMR Cloud, it is possible to recognize scanned images and even photos with high accuracy. Recognition is based on a template mark-up which contains graphical mapping of the elements to be recognized from the scanned images.

Aspose.OMR Cloud is REST APIs along with an application called OMR template editor. OMR template editor application workflow consists of several steps, starting from template mark-up processing to ending with recognition of actual images.

Aspose.OMR Cloud Features

The first launch of Aspose.OMR Cloud will include the functionality to capture human-marked data from documents like surveys, questionnaires, examination paper etc. With the use of Aspose.OMR Cloud, it is possible to recognize scanned images and even photos with high accuracy. Aspose.OMR Cloud will support following features:

  • Recognition of scanned images and photos
  • Ability to process rotated and perspective corrupted (side viewed) images,
  • Improved OMR operations resulting in fast and robust performance
  • High accuracy rate
  • Capabiliy to export recognition results in CSV file format
  • Support for multiple image and templates formats .jpg, .tif, .tiff, .gif

Aspose.OMR will provide capability to extract data from a scanned image for the following commonly used question types:

  • Choice boxes
  • Grid

    Our First Version

    We are currently in process of preparing Examples and Documentation for this new product. We have planned to release the first version of Aspose.OMR Cloud with our monthly release of November 2017. Customers can contact us via Aspose.OMR support forum in case of any query or comments.