| Introducing Aspose for Android | Last month, we announced the launch of Aspose Cloud, a series of REST APIs that brings Aspose’s APIs to developers who work with cloud apps. This month, we’re delighted to be able to announce the release of our first Aspose for Android products: Aspose.Email for Android and Aspose.Words for Android. Aspose for Android is a suite of tools that give developers document management features for Android apps. Read the press release. The new products extends our existing document management, creation and conversion features to Android so that software developers working on that platform can add professional document features to their apps. Aspose.Email for Android helps developers program with Microsoft Outlook emails, and Aspose.Words for Android helps them work with Microsoft Word and other word processing documents. Thank you for reading, Danny Cooper, Aspose America @aspose | | Product Spotlight – Aspose.Total for SQL Server Reporting Services | Aspose.Total for SSRS is a suite of rendering extensions that extend Reporting Services’ native file output formats. If you want to save reports to Microsoft Excel with editable charts, for example, or to Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, Aspose.Total for SSRS is your solution. It incorporates all our SSRS tools, current and future. That’s the great thing about Aspose.Total: it saves you money and, as long as you have a current subscription, it includes all the products on the platform you’ve bought, even if we hadn’t developed them when you bought Aspose.Total. | | Technical Article –Extract Text from a Presentation with Aspose.Slides for .NET | Presentations contain text and sometimes, you want to use that text somewhere else, in a document, for example, or a database. Aspose.Slides lets you extract the text not just from slides, but also from slide notes and master slides. This article explains how. | | Tutorial Video – Create PDF from XML with Aspose.PDF for Java | Aspose.PDF for Java gives you different options for creating PDF files. One method is to read an XML file and output to PDF. This tutorial video shows you how. First, we create an XML file, then we write a few lines of code that reads the XML and saves it to PDF. Watch the video. | | Migration Tip – Creating Resources and linking them to Tasks using VSTO or Aspose.Tasks for .NET | Aspose.Tasks lets developers work with Microsoft Project files in their applications. Aspose.Tasks is not the only way to do this: you could use VSTO. Aspose.Tasks is robust and works independently of Microsoft Project and automation, so we think it’s the better solution. This article shows how to create resources and link them to tasks using VSTO and Aspose.Tasks. Read the migration tip. | | New Products and Releases | - NEW! Aspose.Words for Android – create, manipulate and convert word processing documents.
- NEW! Aspose.Email for Android – create, manipulate and convert Microsoft Outlook emails.
- NEW! Aspose.Total Cloud – all our Cloud products in one package.
- NEW! Aspose.Cells Cloud – create, manipulate and convert spreadsheets.
- NEW! Aspose.Words Cloud – create, manipulate and convert word processing documents.
- NEW! Aspose.PDF Cloud – create, edit and convert PDF files.
- NEW! Aspose.Slides Cloud – create, modify and convert presentations.
- NEW! Aspose.BarCode for Cloud – generate and recognize barcodes.
- NEW! Aspose.OCR Cloud – scan documents and recognize characters in images.
- Aspose.Total for .NET – a compilation of our latest .NET products.
- Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.5.1 – get icons used for conditional cell formatting and a number of other features and enhancements, including improved performance.
- Aspose.Words for .NET 13.6.0 – improvements to HTML and MHTML import and over 100 other enhancements and fixes.
- Aspose.PDF for .NET 8.2.0 – insert image into searchable PDF and keep it searchable, extract text from a page region and other features and fixes.
- Aspose.Slides for .NET 7.6.0 – check whether a license has been applied to an application, export audio, video and other data from generated HTML and more.
- Aspose.BarCode for .NET 5.6.1 – a maintenance release that improves barcode recognition.
- Aspose.Tasks for .NET 5.6.0 – save project data to SVG, introduction of the SetBaseline() method and other improvements.
- Aspose.OCR for .NET 1.6.0 – adds OMR to the recognition features, including GUI for editing templates.
- Aspose.Imaging for .NET 1.9.0 – simplified image creation process, dropped support for .NET 1.1 and other features and fixes.
- Aspose.Total for Java – a compilation of our latest Java products.
- Aspose.Cells for Java 7.5.1 – insert an image based on cell reference, detect a cell’s number formatting category and a number of fixes.
- Aspose.Words for Java 13.6.0 – improvements to HTML and MHTML import and over 100 other enhancements and fixes.
- Aspose.PDF for Java 4.1.2 – a maintenance release that fixes a number of issues.
- Aspose.Slides for Java 7.5.1 – a maintenance release that improves metafile rendering quality and fixes a number of rendering issues.
- Aspose.Total for SharePoint – a compilation of our latest SharePoint products.
- Aspose.Cells for SharePoint 3.0.2 – search inside Microsoft Excel documents and other enhancements.
- Aspose.Slides for SharePoint 1.4.0 – maintenance release that fixes an issue with combining several presentations into one file.
- Aspose.PDF for SharePoint 1.8.0 – merge non-PDF files (HTML, text and image) files into a PDF document.
- Aspose.Total for SSRS – a compilation of our latest SQL Server Reporting Services products.
- Aspose.Words for SSRS 4.0.0 – full support for ReportViewer 2010 and 2012 and a couple of formatting fixes.
- Aspose.PDF for SSRS 2.5.3 – a maintenance release that fixes a couple of issues.
- Aspose.BarCode for SSRS 5.6.0 – support for custom barcodes and improved barcode display.
- Aspose.Total for JasperReports – a compilation of our latest JasperReports products.
- Aspose.Words for JasperReports 1.9.0 – support for JasperReports 5.1.0 and several fixes that improves performance and output.
| Discontinuing Support for SSRS 2000 & 2005 | SQL Server Reporting Services 2000 and 2005 are now relatively old technologies and we’ve noticed that our customers no longer seem to use them. Over the next three months, we’re therefore going to stop supporting them. |
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Too busy to evaluate?If you are too busy to evaluate our products, take the shortcut of a good conversation with our sales team. They are here to answer your questions, no matter how detailed. Contact sales today. | |
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