Custom and embedded fonts Support Available in Aspose.Slides

Custom embedded fonts SlidesWe are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Slides Cloud 17.8. You can use custom and embedded fonts in slides of a presentation. This improves rendering quality of the API a step further. Presentation to image rendering and presentation to PDF rendering are one of the most popular use cases for rendering of presentations. Previously, problems kept arising when a slide contained a custom font that is not installed on a machine. The characters became garbled upon rendering to other supported formats. However, with this latest release, high quality rendering is now possible even if there are any custom or embedded font in the presentation.

This release has been built on the basis of latest Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.8 API. Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.8 is enriched with some new features including abovementioned support for managing custom and embedded fonts and swapping chart data. Moreover, the support for stretching added image for shapes and Notes slide style has been included in API. Please check Aspose.Slides Cloud 17.8 Release Notes for summarized information about all changes in this release.

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