Manipulate Excel cells formatting using Cloud API

Excel formatted cells

Usability is a term that describes how well a person can interact with a program, website, or device. Factors that increase usability include ease of learning and efficiency of use. You can use color to increase your spreadsheet’s usability in several ways. For example, if you need to identify all cells in a spreadsheet whose values exceeded 1000, you could make that task easier by telling Excel to color those cells red. People could then identify them in seconds. By a spreadsheet’s row colors, you can give it a professional look and make it more legible. Furthermore, the styles are useful when you want all the headings in your workbook to look the same.

Colors also help you visualize your data more effectively by enabling you to recognize groups of related information by sight. Furthermore, you can use styles to help your worksheets and workbooks contain consistent formatting.

Cloud API for Worksheet processing

Aspose.Cells Cloud API provides the capabilities to create as well as manipulate MS Excel & OpenOffice spreadsheets available on the local system as well as hosted on the cloud. In order to process worksheets, you do not need to install any software including MS Office or OpenOffice, and all the processing is performed using the Cloud API. Please note that with every new release, we strive to bring more stability to the product as well as we put our efforts to introduce new features, which our APIs more robust. Therefore in the recent release of Aspose.Cells Cloud 20.7, we have significantly improved the features related to workbook creation, set cell characteristics, Get cell range values, and post cell styles.

Create workbook using C#

The API provides the capabilities to create an excel worksheet using fewer code lines. Even with a single code line, a new worksheet can be added to the existing Excel workbook. The code snippet below shows the steps to create a sample Excel workbook, add excel worksheet at the second index, and save the resultant file to Cloud storage.

Get Cells range value

The API provides the feature to fetch, add or update Cells Data based on named range. In a recent release, the API has been improved to get range values from worksheet cells.

Apply Rich Text Formatting to Cell

The individual cell contains data and in order to properly distinguish the data of each cell, a specific formatting style for each cell can be applied. The API also supports the capabilities to set Rich Text formatting for excel worksheet cells. The API offers Font class which provides the capabilities to specify the font information for specific cells. You can set formatting like Bold, Italic, Strikeout, SubScript, SuperScript, Underline, Size, FontName.

Excel cell formatting updated after code execution
Fig 1:- Cell formatting updated after code execution.