Set PPTX Protection Properties using C#. Get PPT Properties using C#

Slide protection preview

PowerPoint Presentations have properties containing details about a presentation such as a title, author name, subject, and keywords that identify the document’s topic or contents, etc. It is important to specify relevant values for the presentation’s Property attributes because they help to identify the presentation. Whereas, the individual slides within the presentation have properties associated with them such as Height, Width, Orientation, slide index in presentation, SizeType, etc. Aspose.Slides Cloud enables you to programmatically Set PPTX Protection Properties.

Quick Tip

Use the following command to identify the current hosted version of Aspose.Slides Cloud API,

curl -X GET "" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>"

Response Body

  "name": "Aspose.Slides for Cloud",
  "version": "21.1.0"

Now we are going to shed some light regarding following topics in this blog.

Get Slide Properties

Aspose.Slides Cloud provides the capabilities to get Slide Properties using the cURL command and at the same time, you may try using the language-specific programming SDK to fulfill your requirements.

cURL command

curl -X GET "" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>"

Request URL

Response Body

  "firstSlideNumber": 1,
  "orientation": "Landscape",
  "sizeType": "Widescreen",
  "width": 960,
  "height": 540,
  "selfUri": {
    "href": "",
    "relation": "self"


Set PPTX Slide Properties

Nevertheless, Aspose.Slides Cloud is fully capable of setting the properties for PowerPoint slides and in following section, we have explained the related steps

cURL command

curl -X PUT "" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{ \"FirstSlideNumber\": 0, \"Orientation\": \"Portrait\", \"ScaleType\": \"DoNotScale\", \"SizeType\": \"OnScreen\", \"Width\": 600, \"Height\": 900, \"SelfUri\": { \"Href\": \"\", \"Relation\": \"self\", \"LinkType\": \"\", \"Title\": \"Hello\" }, \"AlternateLinks\": [ { \"Href\": \"string\", \"Relation\": \"string\", \"LinkType\": \"string\", \"Title\": \"string\" } ]}"


Get Slide Protection Properties

The GetSlidesProtectionProperties method of API provides the capabilities to read the protection properties of presentation documents.

curl -X GET "" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>"


Deprecated Methods

PUT fromHtml method is deprecated and will be deleted in the 21.4 release. Use the POST fromHtml method to create presentations and also add new slides to them.

slideSize resource is deprecated and will be deleted in the 21.4 release. Use slideProperties resource instead.


In this article, we have explored the capabilities of Aspose.Slides Cloud to set PPTX Protection Properties, get Slide Protection Properties, Get Slide Properties using C# .NET as well as a cURL command. You may easily download the complete source code of Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for .NET from GitHub. In order to learn more about SDK capabilities, please explore the Developer Guide.

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