How to Convert CSV to Excel Using Spreadsheet API In Python

Aspose spreadsheet Rest API is the best way to convert your CSV to Excel file in seconds. It is secure and easy to use. Let’s learn about CSV to XLSX converter.

How to Convert CSV to Excel Using Spreadsheet API In Python
Convert CSV to Excel in Python | Python Convert CSV to XLSX


CSV File Format is a plain text files that contain records of data with comma separated data values. Each line in a CSV file is a new field record from the data sets contained in the CSV files. It is a commonly used file format to save, import, and export data from one storage system or application to another. Since all applications can recognize records separated by comma that’s why import of CSV data files to database is done easily. Data imported from such files is arranged in cells of spreadsheets.

Excel file with XLS extension represents Excel File Format. Such files can be created by Microsoft Excel as well as other similar spreadsheet applications like OpenOffice. File saved by Excel file is known as Workbook. Data is stored in table formats in each worksheet and it can be numeric value, text data, formulas, images, and charts etc. Ms Excel allows you export workbook data to several different formats including PDF, CSV, XLSX, XPS, and TXT etc. The XLS file format was replaced more structured file format i.e XLSX in Microsoft Excel 2007 release. The latest versions also support for reading and creating XLS files. You can perform various operations on data sets like sorting, math formulas, drawing charts etc using Excel spreadsheets.

However, in certain cases, you have to convert CSV to Excel without opening. A comma separated values in CSV file to tabular form in Excel XLSX or XLS workbooks are converted. Aspose Python Excel API not only convert between online convert csv to excel python formats but it also renders Excel files as images, PDF, HTML, ODS, CSV, SVG, JSON, WORD, PPT and many more. So for such cases, this article covers how to convert CSV to Excel files in Python language using CSV to Excel converter online tool.

  • What is CSV file to Excel XLS file Cloud Rest API?
  • Swagger-based Web API Explorer
  • How to Use Cloud API for CSV to Excel File Conversion?
  • Conclusion

What is CSV file to Excel XLS file Cloud Rest API?

Python SDK helps to communicate with Aspose.Cells Cloud REST APIs to create, edit and convert Excel files in the Cloud. It is fast and secure cloud REST API develop cloud Spreadsheet builder, viewer, merger, splitter, encryption and converter apps in Python programming language.. Aspose.Cells Cloud Rest API converts CSV to XLSX, XLTX, HTML, XLS, TXT, TIFF, XPS, PDF, and more supported file formats. Python Cloud SDK is distributed under an MIT license and is powered by underlying Aspose.Cells REST API.

Aspose.Cells Cloud API for Python supports your Python code to create multiple spreadsheets, manage worksheets, workbooks, formulas, auto-filters, and other Excel spreadsheet funtions, without installing any third party software. Aspose.Cells Cloud SDK for Python converts workbook from requested content to a different format and below we will describe how to csv to xlsx without opening using csv converter workbooks. For this all you need to do is create an account at Aspose for Cloud and get your application credentials. Swagger-based Web API Explorer

We have a Swagger-based API Reference Explorer to know more about our spreadsheet REST API. API Reference Explorer is the easiest way to try out our APIs right away in your web browser. It allows you to effortlessly interact and try out every single operation that our APIs exposes. You can try the CSV to Xlsx Python library with real-time data using this user-friendly Swagger interface as shown in the below image.

Convert CSV to Excel in Python | Python Convert CSV to XLS

You can use the csv file to excel converter API without evaluation limitations by requesting a free temporary API license. In next section will see how csv to excel converter download Python SDK in python application.

How to Use Cloud API for CSV to Excel File Conversion?

The following code below illustrates how simple it is to convert CSV to Excel online. Follow the instructions below to do the CSV to Excel conversion using Aspose Python SDK in python based application. Next, execute below code from the command line to get the SDK from PIP.

pip install asposecellscloud

The complete source code is also available at GitHub Repository. Now add below code in your python project to run cloud api converter.

#For complete examples and data files, please go to
import os
import sys
import asposecellscloud
from asposecellscloud.apis.cells_api import CellsApi
api  = asposecellscloud.apis.cells_api.CellsApi(os.getenv('CellsCloudClientId'), os.getenv('CellsCloudClientSecret'), "v3.0" ,os.getenv('CellsCloudApiBaseUrl'))
name ='mysample.csv' 
# set required parameters
saveOptions = None
newfilename = "result.xlsx"
isAutoFitRows= True
isAutoFitColumns= True
folder = "celltemp"
result = api.upload_file(folder + '/' + name,  "c:/cloudtesting/" + name)
# Now api call csv to excel converter
result = api.cells_save_as_post_document_save_as(name, save_options=saveOptions, newfilename=(folder +'/' + newfilename), is_auto_fit_rows=isAutoFitRows, is_auto_fit_columns=isAutoFitColumns, folder=folder)
# print("Conversion has been successfully completed.")

As a result excel file result.xlsx will be saved at the root of celltemp folder and you can open a csv file in excel. We also have online csv converter to convert csv to google sheets.


In this article, you have learned how to convert CSV files to Excel in Python using Aspose CSV file converter. You can explore more about the Python spreadsheet API using the documentation.

If you have any questions about CSV to XLSX converter, Feel free to contact us on the forum. For more file conversion related interesting articles, you can follow us on our social media accounts FacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter.

See Also

We also recommend following related links of supported document conversions and file formats: