Aspose Cloud REST API Features Implemented in SDKs During the Month of October 2012

Aspose Cloud offers a suite of File Format APIs with a variety of features that enable you to process your documents. You can enhance the performance and productivity of your applications in the cloud using these feature-rich APIs. We have provided SDK examples for different programming languages like .NETJavaPHP and Ruby.

You can utilize these SDKs to integrate Aspose Cloud APIs in your applications across any platform. Following is a list of features added in SDKs for different programming languages during the month of October 2012.

Aspose Cloud API SDK for PHP

Aspose.Slides Cloud API

  • GetDocumentProperties
  • GetDocumentProperty
  • RemoveAllProperties
  • DeleteDocumentProperty
  • SaveAs
  • SaveSlideAs
  • SetDocumentProperty
  • AddCustomProperty

Aspose.Words CloudAPI

  • GetDocumentInfo
  • DeleteProperty
  • SetProperty
  • GetProperty
  • GetProperties
  • ConvertLocalFile
  • GetDrawingObjectList
  • GetDrawingObject
  • GetDrawingObjects

Aspose.Cells Cloud API

  • GetProperties
  • GetProperty
  • SetProperty
  • RemoveAllProperties
  • RemoveProperty
  • CreateEmptyWorkbook
  • CreateWorkbookFromTemplate
  • CreateWorkbookFromSmartMarkerTemplate
  • ProcessSmartMarker
  • GetWorksheetsCount
  • GetNamesCount
  • GetDefaultStyle

Aspose.PDF Cloud API

  • GetDocumentProperties
  • GetDocumentProperty
  • SetDocumentProperty
  • RemoveAllProperties
  • ConvertLocalFile
  • GetSegmentCount

Aspose Cloud API SDK for Ruby

Aspose.PDF Cloud API

  • GetDocumentProperties
  • GetDocumentProperty
  • SetDocumentProperty
  • RemoveAllProperties
  • ConvertLocalFile
  • GetSegmentCount

Aspose Cloud.Words API

  • Document WordConverter
  • DocumentBuilder
  • Extractor MailMerge

Aspose.Slides Cloud API

  • Document SlidesConverter
  • Extractor