Windows Azure Storage Integration with Aspose Cloud

Azure Storage Integration Aspose

In today’s era of technology and communication, whether it’s creating documents or processing them with some useful features, an efficient platform is required that offers robust and reliable solutions. Aspose Cloud, being a file format expert, stands out among various others by providing the support for different file format such as MS Word documents, workbooks, presentations, PDF file, images etc. Using Aspose Cloud APIs, you can createedit and convert your documents in the cloud across any platform. You can upload your files on Aspose Cloud storage and use Aspose Cloud REST API URIs to perform multiple operations on these files.

Aspose Cloud Storage is available with every package to upload your files and process your documents using Aspose Cloud REST APIs. We have always been putting efforts to give you a remarkable experience of cloud computing on 3rd party platforms. As we have previously introduced support for Google Drive storage, Amazon S3 storage and Dropbox storage integration with Aspose Cloud APIs, we are pleased to announce that Aspose Cloud now supports Windows Azure storage. You can store your files in the cloud through Windows Azure storage and process your documents with the help of Aspose Cloud file format APIs.

The configuration of Windows Azure storage is simple and quick, and you can integrate it with Aspose Cloud through a set of simple steps. Firstly, you need to create an application at Windows Azure and get the “Account name” and “Account key”. Then sign in at Aspose Cloud and open “My Storage”, select “Windows Azure Storage” from “Create New Storage” list on Aspose Cloud.

On “Create Windows Azure Storage” page, provide the required data in the fields. You need to provide “Storage Name”, “Account Name” and “Account Key” in the form fields. Click “Save” to confirm the provided information and enjoy using Windows Azure storage with Aspose Cloud API.

Aspose Cloud file format APIs allow you to process your files and perform multiple operations on your documents. You can upload your documents on Windows Azure storage and choose from a variety of features to manipulate the documents. For example, you can upload your presentations on the storage and save single slide or multiple slides as images using Aspose.Slides for Cloud REST API. Similarly, you can also extract text,extract images, convert documents to other file formats, and calculate formula in a worksheet using Aspose Cloud APIs for different file formats such as PDF files, presentations, documents and images uploaded on Windows Azure storage. Windows Azure storage integration with Aspose Cloud APIs has added the flexibility to process your files from external storage providers helps you access your files and process them with a wide range of REST API features.

Stay tuned to our newsletter and blogs for the latest updates about storage integration. We look forward to your valuable feedback to improve our services, or you may write to us in case of any queries. You can get a free Aspose Cloud account for evaluation purposes, sign up now and enjoy a whole new experience of document manipulation on 3rd party platforms.