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Author Archives: Nayyer Shahbaz
Convert MOV to MP4 using C#
Images and videos are an integral part of our lives. Also, the videos are getting more popular to express, educate, broadcast, etc a message to the wider community. With the passage of time, new video and audio compression formats are …
Convert HTML to PDF in Java
The HTML is a leading file format for web development and a majority of modern web browsers support HTML specifications. Though it’s platform-independent and can be viewed on any …
Convert GIF to DICOM and JPEG to PNG using C# .NET REST API
Aspose.Imaging Cloud is a complete image format processing REST API. It offers a plethora of options for Image processing and the details pertinent to the file formats it can handle can be found over Supported file formats. In this …
Convert MPP to XLSX or HTML using REST API in C#
Planning and collaboration are key to project success and for quick coordination, the Project files can be converted to PDF, HTML, or XLSX formats. During the planning phase, we identify the required resources, effort estimations, the project delivery timelines, the …
Convert Excel to PDF, Excel to HTML, Excel to Image in Java
Microsoft Excel files are widely used for office data management and information manipulation on Windows and macOS platforms. Many users also use …
How to handle Conditional formatting in Excel using REST API
Microsoft Office Excel allows you to layout your text data in a spreadsheet or workbook format. You can bring information and data from various files and locations to a single destination, for them to be crunched and analyzed on a …
How to install Aspose.Cloud SDKs
Aspose.Cloud provides a huge set of Cloud-based REST APIs offering the capabilities to create, manipulate as well as transform input files to other supported output formats. You can directly access the APIs using cURL commands via command prompt. Similarly, you …
How to Obtain JWT token using a Client ID and Client Secret key
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a JSON encoded open, industry-standard RFC 7519 method representation of a claim(s) that can be transferred between two parties. The claim is digitally signed by the issuer of the token, and the party receiving this token can later …