Category Archive: Customer Newsletters

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Aspose | Your File Format Experts
2014年 2月
.NET によるファイル操作で効率良いプログラミング
Aspose.Total for .NET は、Aspose の .NET 製品がすべて含まれたフレキシブルなツールキットです。ファイルの生成、スプレッドシートからプレゼンテーションへのデータ移動、バーコードの追加やイメージの作成など、さまざまな要求に Aspose.Total for .NET が応えます。
Find Out More
Aspose Total for .NET
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Welcome to 2014! News and Offers from Aspose

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Aspose | Your File Format Experts
Monthly Newsletter
January, 2014
Offer ends January 31st

Get 25% off Aspose.Total for .NET, Java, Android, SharePoint, SSRS and JasperReports*.

Quote XMAS2013NL when placing your order.

Buy Now
Aspose Total for Java
News Headlines
Welcome to 2014: 2013 in Review
Happy new year!
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Seasons Greetings from Aspose: the December 2013 Newsletter

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Aspose | Your File Format Experts
Monthly Newsletter
December, 2013
25% off Aspose.Total

Get 25% off new Aspose.Total for .NET, Java, Android, SharePoint, SSRS and JasperReports purchases*.

Quote XMAS2013NL when placing your order.

Buy Now
Aspose Total for Java
News Headlines
Aspose.Email Wins Dev Pro Silver Community Choice Award
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More Android Products and a New Look: Aspose Newsletter, September 2013

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Aspose | Your File Format Experts
Monthly Newsletter
September, 2013
Introducing Aspose Cloud
Have you ever wished that Aspose’s flexible, well-structured APIs were available as SaaS?
Now they are. Aspose Cloud offers REST APIs for our most popular APIs, including Aspose.Cells, Aspose.Words, Aspose.PDF
Posted in Aspose.Total Cloud Product Family, Customer Newsletters |

Aspose Newsletter, August 2013

Introducing Aspose for Android


Last month, we announced the launch of Aspose Cloud, a series of REST APIs that brings Aspose’s APIs to developers who work with cloud apps. This month, we’re delighted to be able to announce the

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Aspose ニュースレター 2013年 8月

Aspose for Android の紹介


先月、クラウド アプリを操作する開発者へ Aspose の API を提供する REST API のシリーズである Aspose Cloud のリリースをお知らせをしました。今月は、Aspose の最初の Android 向けの製品、Aspose.Email for Android のリリースをご案内いたします。Aspose for Android は、Android アプリにドキュメント管理機能を提供するスイート ツールです。詳細は、プレスリリースをご覧ください。

新製品の Aspose for Android は、Aspose の既存のドキュメント管理、生成、および変換機能を Android プラットフォームに拡張し、Android 向けのアプリの開発者は、プロフェッショナルなドキュメント機能を Android アプリに追加できます。Aspose.Email

Posted in Aspose Japan Reseller -, Customer Newsletters |

Aspose Newsletter, July 2013

SD Times 100 and Aspose Cloud APIs

Aspose are delighted to find ourselves on the SD Times 100 list again this year. It’s an inspiring list and we’re pleased to be in the company of companies such as IBM and

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Saaspose April 2013 Newsletter

Welcome to the April 2013 edition of the Saaspose Newsletter. This newsletter highlights the information about the latest updates in APIs, exciting new features
New Pricing Plans
As part of ongoing improvements to our service, we are updating the structure
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