Category Archive: Aspose.Words Cloud Product Family

Official blog of Aspose.Words Cloud Product Family with news of newly supported features, hot fixes, technical articles, tips and videos etc.

Develop Online PDF Converter using Java SDK

Learn how to convert Word to PDF using Java SDK. Perform DOC to PDF conversion on any platform using REST API.

PDF Converter
PDF Converter | Convert Word to PDF online

This article helps you in developing a PDF converter using Java …

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Convert DOC to PDF or PDF to DOC in Ruby

Word to PDF
Convert PDF to Word or Word to PDF using Ruby SDK

Many word document processing applications provide the capabilities to process MS Word & OpenOffice formats and also, enable you to render the output to other file formats including PDF

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Merge Word documents in Python

merge word documents
How to Merge Word Documents online

In large distributed teams, multiple team members work on different modules and produce related artifacts. However, for an end-user, a single combined document is required in a logical manner. The manual approach to merge …

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Mail Merge Word Documents in C#

Mail Merge Word Document
Mail Merge word document online

The Mail Merge is the easiest way to generate a set of documents that are identical except for certain information i.e. name and address of the recipient. Many organizations communicate with their customers/members by means …

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Text Compare in Word documents using C#

Compare MS Word files

Microsoft Word supports the “Compare” option enabling users to compare word documents and identify the newly added changes. This feature is useful as you can perform a Text compare operation in word documents side by side. However, a programmatic …

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Merge Word Documents in Java

Merge Documents
Merge Word Documents Online in Java

Microsoft Word is practically available everywhere including the work computers, the computers at school, and your home PC. We create letters, reports, etc in word format and use clip art, write in a variety …

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Convert PDF to Word in Java

PDF to Word
Convert PDF to Word online

The PDF (Portable Document Format) files are widely popular due to their capabilities of ensuring document fidelity when viewed over any platform. Another aspect of their popularity is that these files can be opened in …

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Convert HTML to Word in C#

HTML to Word in Java
Convert HTML to Word in Java

HTML is the older and one of the reliable formats for sharing information over the internet as most browsers support it as the default rendering format. An HMTL document includes forms, text, images, animations, …

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Process Comments in MS Word document using REST API

comments preview in ms word file

Comments are a great way to share your feedback/input over certain sections/paragraphs within a Word document. Furthermore, in a multi-user environment, it provides an easy and effective way to collaborate and comment on document drafts. Nevertheless, even individual users find the feature …

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PDF to Word and Word to PDF in C# .NET

PDF to Word
pdf to word online

Microsoft Word including (DOCX, DOC, DOT, DOTX, DOTM, FlatOPC (XML) as well as OpenOffice (ODT, OTT) are among the popular office document processing/management formats. The support for …

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